2 definitions by Powderstunt

Closed Door! More like vile door.

The main members are like rats scuttling around a dark shit house ambushing anyone trying to take an innocent shit. Lurking in the putrid urine corroded shadows, they appear as appirations to new members who at first won't believe they're for real. Not long after, these spirits come and physically haunt these poor newbies until they flee, wondering what the f*cks going on, finding sanctuary elsewhere.

The typical Teakdoorist is a scared intellectually incapacitated individual who refuses to accept factual truths. If you are into bullying and heaps of personal abuse this is the place for you. Run by a nasty clique who will ride your ass. Hell, if you fit in with the clientele on this forum you might even want to eat dog turds.

Make no mistake, this is a centre for unintelligent alcoholics, cons and complete fuckwits! They congregate in this digital temple in order to masturbate over their incorrect worldly beliefs in hope that it'll make up for the misfortunate lives that resulted in them getting stuck in Thailand with no chance of living a decent life inside the boundaries of normal society.

A majority of these dipwhits are expelled by their own families and have nothing to look forward to but a slow life in poverty, for the simple truth that not a single person at home wants them to return home. It is nothing more than a publically observable private venue for a select cluster of inadequate anti socials to vent.
Hey I am taking a trip to Bangkok. What is a good forum to use ? Teakdoor ? You fucking kidding me ?
by Powderstunt February 17, 2023
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He is the biggest troll, gossip-cunt, pathetic whining sympathy whore, and porky telling multinicker on every single Asian related forum. He starts
with rim-jobbing the admins, and when the game is finally up he goes to face # two : back-stabbing every forum and some of it's members as a matter of
course, cross-forum copying of threads, gossiping like an old laundry factory bitch stirring up shit, and finally weasels back in with a new monkey's
ass to a forum where he thinks they have forgotten/forgiven him and his shenanigans.

He often waits till some of his (mentally) stronger allies and forum addicted nutjobs (20000 - 40000 up crap posts) jump on a weak poster, then when he
thinks it is safe, he joins in with his own provocative crap; then the poor souls predictably lose it and overdo their response. After which Willy either
enthusiastically joins the final slaughter, or like the coward he is runs to the mods crying blue murder and feign the innocent insulted - and
surprisingly enough it sometimes works.
DrWilly is a serial shit festing gossip queen and can fuck right off.
by Powderstunt May 10, 2023
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