3 definitions by Pinko the Klown

An orgasm brought on by slamming a door on your dick.
I was ready to go, when that bitch screamed something about not knowing me and slammed the door on my dick. I had a doorgasm right then and there.
by Pinko the Klown September 5, 2004
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Refers to the one moment after a long streak of boredom where you just can't take it anymore and you have to do something fun.
Geeze, the final speech of the Republican National Convention almost gave me a boregasm.
by Pinko the Klown September 4, 2004
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An orgasm brought on by getting poked in the rear with a fork.
She's not a very good cook, but she gives a mean forkgasm.
by Pinko the Klown September 5, 2004
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