1 definition by Pineappledragons

An Alysiea is super beautiful, sarcastic, loud, precious, flexible,and smart. They are good at most sports and are great in the fashion category.

They have a petite body form, with silky blonde hair. They have bright green eyes with little blue, that turn faded green in the winter.

Alysiea's attract all the boys with their personality and looks. They can be loud and crazy, but also shy and breakable. They get easily impatient and tempered.

They most likely like sun, and warm/hot weather. They are evenly tan and pale in other times of the year. They almost always have glasses . They also almost always have a small form.

Their appetite can me monstrous, but don't eat at all when sick distracted.

Alysiea's can have the biggest smiles and brightest health. They attract many boys and reject others. Their personality also pushed others away. They have many boys chasing after them, and take them all. But they all leave for another girl. Or she leaves for another guy. They find their best matches when they are in the adult ages. They go through many others before sticking with one for the long run.

Alysiea's always become the type that gossip to their friends ,who tell others , and so on. They tell secrets to cause drama and problems (mainly to get the guys they want) also to break off the old friends. They also become the ones to kiss and tell, and then make out with others.

They don't stick with groups, they bully others and pick new friends until they want them gone.
Alysiea said that....
by Pineappledragons October 1, 2018
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