3 definitions by Penis venis

A person who is liked by many people or even fucked by your moms dad
Popular is a person liked by many people
by Penis venis February 27, 2022
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Nigga Is a soft version of “nigger” and a nigga or nigger is what people describe as a black person
The people who made the word were racist and black people use it and so do white people too
But racist people on the internet call people racist for using the word when there white because

For some reason being white is a problem
Person 1. Sup nigga
Person 2 from Twitter. YOU RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT 😭😭😭 insert whining childish noises
by Penis venis February 27, 2022
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a word to describe someone who likes a YouTuber so much thay make a sexuality with there youtube name in it

It is however not a real thing
dreamsexual is a sexuality
by Penis venis February 27, 2022
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