2 definitions by Peanuts Baker

The act of hiding a cool, refreshing alcoholic beverage, having failed to consume such a treat during predrinks, in a concealed, secluded location whilst one visits some respectable establishment, wherein said beverage is forbidden, for the purpose of future collection and consumption.

i.e. stashing a few brewskies from predrinks somewhere they'll be safe while you head to a pub/club, so you can grab them on the way back out for afters.

Term derived from the initial act of skippage taking place in some mouldy skip on Camden Street.
"Oi Fiachra, we skipping a can behind that bin before we bop Whelan's?"
by Peanuts Baker February 25, 2018
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A game native to Castlegregory, commonly played when irrecoverably gargled. Hitty Knee involves any amount of players above two people.

Everyone sits in a circle, with one knee facing into the centre. One person is given the immeasurable honour of having the first go. They can choose to either lightly caress or thwomp the bejesus out of another players knee. It is now that persons turn.
The game continues like this until the *Final Round*.
For the final round, every player chooses an available knee (other than their own) and gently, affectionately drapes their hand over said knee, keeping it there.

*Bonus Quickfire Round*
The game accelerates to ludicrous speed, with everyone putting the full force of a god into their swing.
"Ay Darren, how about a good game of hitty knee?"
"Sure sign me up there now buachaill"
by Peanuts Baker March 29, 2018
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