2 definitions by Paul Kenneth Kent

'Jimmied' is a term used for when a person has been sick for the following reasons

- Drinking to much alcohol
- Smoking to much Green

Jimmied is normally used to mock the person, who was being sick.
"dave collis jimmied last night, what a f-ing jimmy"
"taylor jimmied after drinking 1 pint of strongbow"
"miller never jimmied before but i reckon he will jimmy after all the triple vodka and cokes he has had"
"dan hawkins jimmied after smoking a skinny mini spliff"
"davies jimmied AGAIN!"
by Paul Kenneth Kent October 13, 2005
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The word 'Bumpout' is used to describe someone or something letting you down in someway.
"Collis isn't turning upto football again! What a bumpout!"
"Miller passed out again! Why did he drink everyone drinks!Big time Bumpout!"
"I would go out with that girl but i heard she was abit of a bumpout in the bedroom"
"Look laity face.. he been bumpedout by arsenal yet again"
"You F-ing bumpout, im going to smack you right on the bell-end"
by Paul Kenneth Kent December 13, 2007
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