127 definitions by PartisanZ

A Bio-Ethicidal* Zombieconomic* social man-agement* PRattern, a man-e-festation* based on Killing other Sentient Beings, animal and human alike.

"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an *ORDER* by which the development of each and every one is possible."

- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944)
Cost-of-Living Crisis due to Covid, aka *Mother Nature's Perfect Intervention*, aka Opportunity of a Species-Time, means one eats less of them too, if one eats fellow sentient beings from the slaughteconomy.

And I still do sometimes, which "kind" of makes me sick.
by PartisanZ May 2, 2023
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