2 definitions by Papabear71

The result of having been exposed to something chilling, or incredibly uncool.

A bodily reaction, usually from the waist down that comes from being surrounded by a 'really bad scene'.
Dick Cheney with a shotgun gives me a bad case of the Douche Chills.

Hanging out with that guy, Ted Bundy, gave me Douche Chills.
by Papabear71 January 4, 2008
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1. A really bad movie where a lot of money was wasted on unnecessary CG work that is unconvincing and you can tell the actors were in front of green screens during most of the shoot.

2. A list of things you think you might need to accomplish because you feel your own mortality closing the door on you.

3. You feel insecure about your life and therefore make a list of things to get busy on.

4. A list of hottie's, MILF's and other strangers that you always had your eye on and you most now go conquer.
1. Don't waste your money on that, it's as bad as Bucket List.

2. I've wasted my life, I should write a bucket list before I take this cyanide pill.

3. She's so fine, I better put her on my bucket list.
by Papabear71 January 9, 2008
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