11 definitions by PV Person

A guy (or girl, but unlikely!) who sits on their PC for hours trawling Google maps satellite views, and thinks they call solve things, like the MH370 disappearance, even though it's common knowledge it went down in the Southern Indian Ocean.
I heard some fat guy with BO found MH370 in the Cambodian jungle, Sounds like another "Google Earth detective"
by PV Person February 25, 2022
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A former Radio1 "Wigger" DJ who was seriously into black girls.
"Would you like some work experience at Radio 1?"

"Yes, but I have to ask, are you Tim Westwood?? I'd like to keep my virginity."
by PV Person August 4, 2022
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When you're IM'ing a friend, and suddenly they type a load of gibberish, because they received a call, and held their smartphone to their ear, thus typing gibberish (it happened to me today)
Hey, I was chatting to Paul, when he said "xxtrrtr677867^%$Y&1222" afterwards, he told me he has been ear typing (typing with his ear)
by PV Person December 12, 2014
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"Seize the Bottom" or alternatively seize the buttocks!
My girlfriend has such a nice bum, what should I do?
"Carpe Nates"
by PV Person August 22, 2023
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