6 definitions by PM64

slangword to "snack", mostly used by brazilian people from the south region
"Dude, have you ever tried the cheese bandeclays they have at the store? It's so good!"
by PM64 October 7, 2021
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an event in Yume Nikki. Can be found in the wilderness and upon interacted with displays a flashing gif of an aztec looking monkey figure with a 2-second-loop funky song
I found the Aztec Rave Monkey event last night and now I got eystrains
by PM64 May 31, 2021
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The pony tailed blonde girl found in Yume Nikki's Pink Sea area. Her home is also where the UBOA event is located.
Have you went to Poniko's house and triggered the UBOA event?
by PM64 March 29, 2021
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A type of Engineer player in Team Fortress 2 that builds their constructions way too close to each other. Usually a bad idea because that makes easier for Demomans and Soldiers to explode them all with just a few projectiles.
There's a fuck ton of turtle engineers at the BLU spawn. We can take them down with a single UBER and some sticky bombs.
by PM64 April 5, 2021
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A minigame in the 2004 RPG Maker game "Yume Nikki". The player controls a bird running around a single screen attempting to catch falling eggplants with their mouth.
Why the fuck is NASU so hard to get a high score in?
by PM64 March 29, 2021
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