2 definitions by Ovogoon16

washed up ro wrestler who fumbles the bag time and time again when given a chance primed in the middle of shows being cancelled got grounded and got sweeped then quit returned in 2022 and nobody knows him
Infxmouskiller lol”
Whats that”
jobber lol”
by Ovogoon16 January 14, 2022
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Ro wrestler who consistently dogs “rising stars” 3/0 and is constantly called a cheater but is never acknowledged in rising star lists because he fails under pressure constantly. He is also the #1 gym ro wrestler to ever grace a clean. However, if put in front of a large crowd, he will fail miserably.
“Yall think Infamous Killer is a top 5 rising star?”
“Nah, he doesn’t win enough titles and has numerous huge loses under his belt.”
“Who even is InfxmousKiller?”
“Some random who only shows up mid summer and performs before going inactive due to his bedtime when he has school 😭 what a loser”
by Ovogoon16 September 2, 2022
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