1 definition by OverAllunder

Name Derived from Respect, Light, and Beauty. A celebrity and given name_ Derived from right of namesake to mean either Resepect, Light, Waterfall, or beauty. Name is a natural compound of two formerly defined names.

Commonly compared to The best Dream You've ever Celebrity: Usually female A rarity whose silence speaks louder than natural beauty. By birthright and namesake the bearer of this name carries with it respect and the natural energy of light and power of moving water. Easily stiffled by mirrors and personal aura however stronger than a toyota. Likely compared to the best dream you've ever had. In life often compared to Grace Kelly Doris Day Marilyn Monroe Jackie O Sasha Fierce or Eleanor Roosevelt.
Light : Respect : Elegance : Class : Tricky : Honor : Worth : Memorable : Family : Nurturer : loyal : Worth embarassing over if ever given the chance to catch one : Worth Respectfully Defining : .

Thomas Kinkade was Obsessed with " Jaelyn "

A winemaker Is obsessed with the process of " Jaelyning "

Thomas Kinkade- Commonly known as the Master of Light

Winemakers- Commonly known as light capturers.

Wars have been fought over similar enigmas.
by OverAllunder February 6, 2010
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