4 definitions by Otolorin

Used in the treatment of injuries affect the bones in the human body.
He was given an orthopedic bed for the comfortability of his back bone
by Otolorin December 25, 2018
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A word in Yoruba language used to describe a kid who surprisingly acts stupid, kinda different to the normal way of living.

Hence, his friends turn his name to Bodé that is “Bi ode” meaning “acting stupid
Why are you acting like Bodé

Why would I do that when I’m not Bodé
by Otolorin January 24, 2020
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A word in Yoruba language used to describe a kid who surprisingly acts stupid, kinda different to the normal way of living.

Hence, his friends turn his name to Bodé that is “Bi ode” meaning “acting stupid
Why are you acting like Bodé

Why would I do that when I’m not Bodé
by Otolorin January 24, 2020
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She told him why she is not interested in him underpinning it with her religious beliefs.
by Otolorin November 9, 2018
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