4 definitions by Origamipotato

The definitions you see on Urban dictionary voting when people shamelessly bash Donald Trump.
Voter 1: Why are there so many Trump Definitions?
Voter 2: I don't know but they are annoying.
by Origamipotato December 14, 2020
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A reversed version of Jeff Bezos.
Did you hear that Bob thought Beff Jezos was the founder of Amazon.
by Origamipotato June 27, 2020
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The art of being funee.
Bill: Comedy, more like FUNEE JOKE.
Everyone: Haha funee joke I would consider that man a comedy man.
by Origamipotato December 14, 2020
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A made-up that you pretend has a real meaning.
Jeff: "Bob, you're such a Jookabo"
Bob: "What's a Jookabo?"
Jeff: "Haha, you're a Jookabo!"
by Origamipotato October 6, 2020
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