4 definitions by Oobatzz

An unfortunate trait among young American males that inspires them to obsess over sports, sculpt their hair in lizard like patterns, and have a tendency to start yelling and speaking loudly upon drinking many beers. They also are predominately known to wear flip flops, which goes against nature, for no normal man willingly exposes his feet.
Joe: "Yo Drew, do you see what I see? That guy is wearing pink flip flops. My mother has the same ones.."
Drew: "Wow, yeah, he definitely has the Jerky Gene.."
by Oobatzz March 7, 2010
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A cunk is most often times a female who is simultaneously both a skank and cunt . She may be a slutty, hippie that wants to have sex with every guy she sees in the bar, so that would make her a skank. But she also has a boyfriend that she cheats on while he is out playing pickleball, making her a cunt. So shes just another cunk.
OMG That girl just asked me if I would have sex with that guy acrosss the bar right in front of my husband! And she has a boyfriend! WTF?

Yeah, that one is known to be such a cunk. Don’t mind her, she’s always like that.
by Oobatzz January 14, 2023
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A cute, black and white dog with a noxious odor.
Paula: "The dog doesn't have any water in her bowl! Chelsea, can you put water in her bowl please?"

Chelsea: "Aww...here you go my little Uncleskunkle!"
by Oobatzz March 7, 2010
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Bruxism, or severe grinding of the jaw when under the influence of MDMA.
Matt: "How you feelin? You rollin'?
Chelsea: "Yeahhh...I have the crunchies bad!"
by Oobatzz March 7, 2010
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