2 definitions by OneZapPomegranite

A young man who was unfairly targeted by the Karen's of the internet because he committed what they think is the worst crime ever, liking a cute 17 year old at 19 or 20.
Guy : I'm gonna watch CallMeCarson, he's cool.
Girl : Yeah, sounds good.

Triggered SJW : Uh, no. He is a pedophile. He is as bad as Jeffrey Epstein.
Guy/Girl (based) : You are wrong. He is cool and did nothing wrong.
by OneZapPomegranite October 13, 2021
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Someone who actually did nothing wrong because he was 19 or 20 and sexted a 17 year old. He isnt a pedophile because they were both fully post pubescent.
Mini Ladd got a cute 17 year old when he was like 20, but the SJWs hate him for it.
by OneZapPomegranite October 13, 2021
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