1 definition by One of the "idiots"

Nickname for anyone who believes profits are more important than people.

(Not as nasty as the nickname the greeds have for non-greeds, which is "idiots." But then again, non-greeds aren't as smart (or vicious). {half-sarcasm intended}
The greeds have organized individually, and via both corporations, and government to: a) limit the power, health, and well-being of the general public via new laws and regulations; b) remove established standards of living, and encourage the workplace to disregard the concerns, safety, and respect of the workers; c) amass excess wealth to one or two percent of the people, to the detriment of the majority; d) unduly influence a significant number of remaining middle-class persons via false, excessively biased, and misleading news reporting (as well as over-riding previous FCC policy that endorsed truth in journalism with 2004 FL appellate court ruling stating that there is no rule/law that says journalism has to be truthful); e) disenfranchise, encourage, and institute new policies and laws limiting, and eliminating, voter rights, aka voter suppression; f) utilize and increase pre-existing bias and intolerance to further divide the majority against itself; and f) continue these and other previous disingenuous reorganization efforts.
by One of the "idiots" October 2, 2011
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