3 definitions by Old Voldy's gone mouldy

Horrible things that sting you and hurts like a bitch. Some types can also kill you soooo...
by Old Voldy's gone mouldy June 23, 2018
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A stupid thing, which stung me today. I was leaning over to stroke a cute cat, it was GORGEOUS! OK, back to the point, I laid down on the grass to stroke it. It hurt, but it went through my clothes so the sting wasn't in it. It has venom, and if it stings you, you need to wash it with soap and water, and put something cool on it. Mine still hurts now, around 12 hours later.
"MUUM! THE WASP (wasps, because it makes me have to include the word being defined) STUNG ME!" *cries like a baby*
by Old Voldy's gone mouldy August 12, 2018
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"I'm an orphan like you mouldy ol' voldy," said Harry.
by Old Voldy's gone mouldy June 23, 2018
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