5 definitions by Norton Johnson

Some one who is not a homosexual, but is a complete idiot, and he's so smug and proud that you just want to BASH HIS FACE IN WITH A SHOVEL!!!!!
A "gaytard" sits next to me in english. He occasionally smirks over at me and says something idiotic.
by Norton Johnson December 5, 2006
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A boy, or possibly a girl, who, while watching a girl, sees every move that she makes as something sexual.
by Norton Johnson December 5, 2006
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A boy, or possibly a girl, who, while watching a girl, sees every move that she makes as something sexual.
by Norton Johnson December 5, 2006
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Some one who is so annyoing/stupid/gay that there is no better word or chain of words to explain him/her by.

little girls under the age of 14 are nocturnal beebs.
by Norton Johnson December 3, 2006
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It's basically a sickness where you take a random household object and start humping it. Researchers are not sure where or when this fenomen originated, but it is believed to have spawned from children wathcing too much pron.

(spluh GOT nee uh)
Why is your son here Ms. WHite?
Well, he keeps picking up books and humping them.
Looks like he's got a severe cas of splegotnia
by Norton Johnson December 5, 2006
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