5 definitions by NoCapsNoSpaces

A social hierarchy ruled by kids compensating for their own deep insecurities by putting others down. It could be anything from your clothes to your sexuality to the TV shows you watch. Have fun, you're stuck there for 3 years!
"I survived John Jay Middle School."
"How'd you do it?"
"All I had to do was give up my individuality."
by NoCapsNoSpaces July 3, 2016
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Someone who only speaks in memes
I said Sudden Silence looked like Pepe and he called me a meme kid
by NoCapsNoSpaces July 2, 2016
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Let's player who overreacts (yelling, cursing, etc.) and acts like an idiot on camera as well as using clickbait thumbnails and all caps video titles to attract viewers from the ages of 7-13. Plays whatever games are currently the most popular.
"Oh, my god, you have to watch 'FNAF Part 87: CHICA KILLED ME!!!'"
"I dunno, sounds like it was made by a screamtuber"
by NoCapsNoSpaces July 3, 2016
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