19 definitions by Ninja Nerd Warrior

A fight engaged in on any form of social media. Usually involving threats of physical violence which will never occur, even if they ever meet in person
I just sat there and watched these two argue in the comment section. Talking tough and trying to scare each other. It was a total Bitch Battle
by Ninja Nerd Warrior April 7, 2018
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When someone interrupts something you are saying, with somthing completely pointless that takes the attention off of you and puts it on them.
Have you noticed how Brenda will always talk about her new job, I had to stop hanging with her because I got tired of Getting Kanye'd everytime I opened my mouth.
by Ninja Nerd Warrior May 22, 2015
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Talking to two different people, with similar names, on social media. Flirting with the ugly one, mistaking them for the attractive one
I was talking to two girls named Nay. I started flirting with the wrong one. Now I cant get rid of her. That's what happens when you end up Catfishing Yourself
by Ninja Nerd Warrior May 10, 2018
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An employee that is awesome when supervised closely, but manages to screw everything up, to an impressive degree, when left on his or he own.
I cant recommend Mike for that promotion, I mean he's great when you work with him, but I'm afraid he might accidentally burn the place down when I leave the room. He's definitely a Great Soldier, Horrible General
by Ninja Nerd Warrior October 14, 2015
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Refers to a generation of society, born roughly around the death of grunge music, that refuses to believe anything that science tells them because it's too mainstream.

Science hipsters are the reason that we have people believe the earth is flat, and there is a 3rd option, besides male or female, to put on a birth certificate
I had to break up with Lisa. She kept telling me how the earth was flat and how She is going to let her baby choose her gender when it's old enough.

She is either stupid, or she is a science hipster.
by Ninja Nerd Warrior December 18, 2017
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