7 definitions by Nikrtguyutiyih

A torture device used by people to bore kids to death
Math is numbers
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 7, 2019
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Very toxic people who think fortnite is for kids which is true
PUBG players are bad at fortnite
PUBG players can’t get a kill in fortnite
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 7, 2019
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Type an example of how word is used in a sentence
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 7, 2019
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A game which will grab all your money and spend it on v-bucks then makes you grab your mom’s credit card and spend 500 dollars on fortnite to buy you v-bucks

Also it’s very popular because people watch it and it’s in season 19
I have aimbot in fortnite
This game is trash
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 6, 2019
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A fast acting disease which results in death usually in a few months
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 7, 2019
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A person who makes crappy stick man videos all day on YouTube.
Leo kun gives me AIDS
Leo kun is da best youtuber in the world
I got cancer
by Nikrtguyutiyih January 6, 2019
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