627 definitions by Nick D

Someone who dresses up as Usher as a job for entertainment purposes. It's a little known fact that Usher is the second-most impersonated celebrity after Elvis. The few good ones can be found in Vegas, but the many bad ones usually work in the aisles at weddings, churches, and movie theaters. These shitty Usher impersonators usually have to wear "Usher" name tags so people know that they're trying to impersonate Usher.
Vanilla Ice: "Man, that guy at the movie theater showing people to their seats sure was one hell of a broke down Usher impersonator. I mean, if you're 60 years old and white and have to wear an 'Usher' name tag so people will know what you're doing, find another job."
Snow: "Yeah, I thought he was trying to be Bob Barker at first."
by Nick D May 24, 2004
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a saying that means you better watch before you step over that thin line and get yo ass into serious trouble.
Whoa whoa wait a minute nigga...you wanna pull out a .380 on me??? Fool you better chiggity-check yo self before you wriggity-wreck yo self!
by Nick D February 27, 2003
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a big pimped-out old car, usually white, for example Cadillac DeVilles of the 1980's and the 1989 Chevy Caprice, usually with window tints, rims, and hydraulics; a ghetto sled.
I was able to fit 12 hoes in my pimpmobile, then we went drunk bowling.
by Nick D March 19, 2003
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To ejaculate on a girl (not in an orifice).
Brenda definitely wasn't model material, but I'd had a few beers and I figured it wouldn't hurt to take her in the back room of the bar and toss a couple kids at her face.
by Nick D January 25, 2005
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the act of being a female and masturbating using your hand
Kelly: "So how was Jimmy last night? Did he beat that up...I mean did he hit it?"
Sara: "Almost, but he pulled a Rafael Palmeiro and couldn't get it up. So I went in the bathroom and double-clicked my own mouse."
by Nick D September 25, 2003
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A legendary club you become a member of by drinking 100 beer shots in 100 minutes. This club doesn't have meetings or anything, you just use it to impress frat buddies, hoes, or practically anyone that admires feats of great alcohol consumption.
If you can't join the century club twice in one night, you're a pathetic lightweight.
by Nick D May 5, 2003
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A bitch that isn't too great right now, but will be very good in the future once you succeed in working your magic on her in one way or another.
Neil: "Heard you and Mary are getting together."
Bob: "Yeah, what about it?"
Neil: "That girl's the biggest prude this side of the Susquehanna. You couldn't get in those pants if you were her favorite pair of panties."
Bob: "S'aiight nigga. She's a project bitch. Give me a couple of months and I'll be hittin' that like J.J. Redick hits wide-open threes."
by Nick D February 12, 2004
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