10 definitions by Nexus

Short for 'All your base are belong to us', meaning something like 'we own you' or 'you got owned' or something. anyway. The popularity of this phrase is unexplainable but it has circulated the net for years in pictures and text. Originally comes from a game for the sega megadrive system called zero wing, a space shoot-em-up released in japan in the '80s. The game was translated into english (very poorly at that, it almost qualifies as engrish) and released in europe in 1989. For more details on how this phrase came to be, google for 'AYBABTU'.
a picture of a tank getting blown up by a huge missile would be captioned 'aybabtu'.
by Nexus July 24, 2003
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30 year old script kiddie that has spent the majority of his life on Undernet
Swope hearts Breinne.
by Nexus June 20, 2003
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More cost effective than cars, they are the conveyance of choice of the Jeffs
Jeff: I don't even need a car anyway, they're too expensive

Ned: Then how will you get to work to get money for Star Wars Cards?

Jeff: I don't need a car, I can get an airplane, they are actually cheaper in the long run.
by Nexus December 2, 2004
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