1 definition by Nekko_Fox

Loveland, Colorado, is a city just south of Fort Collins by about fifteen minutes, west of Greeley by twenty, North of Denver by forty five, and East of Estes by an hour.

It's a quiet town with a relatively low crime rate and a population of roughly 67,000, the population being a majority of white folks, the rest being Hispanics and the occasional color added by the very rare African American.

The high schools are as follows:

Loveland High: The snooty, self-centered rich kids with a rocking football team.

Mountain View High: The school for the drug-addled otakus, but with a seriously rocking Academic record.

Thompson Valley High: Pot-smoking white kids who wish they were black and can't play football, but with the best arts program in town.

Harold Ferguson High: This is where the rejects, druggies, morons, losers, pregnant teenagers, failures and other detritus of school congregate. Not much to say here.

The town has a good education system set up, the roads are nice and fairly well kept, the traffic decent, the people generally friendly. Also, many people send their Valentine's their for remailing, and it is the only city with a major metropolitan high way going through the middle of a cemetery.

There is a nice library and Rec. Center, and a rich downtown with lots of history. A place you'd stay to raise kids, but you move out of if you are older than 18.

By Contrast, there is a Loveland Ski resort with fabulous skiing and friendly workers.
Tom: I was thinking about sending out my Valentine.

Dick: Send it to Loveland first, they have these neat stamps they put on them before mailing them to your Valentine.

Harry: I want to go skiing.

Dick: Er...that was random. But you could go to the Loveland Ski resort.

Tom: What are you, a frickin' Brittanica of local knowledge?
by Nekko_Fox August 18, 2011
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