14 definitions by Nasyki

it means 'dear'/a word from Japan
ex. My Kihou-my dear
by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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It means 'slave' in Japan.
1: Nuhi! On you hands and legs! Bow to me!
2: Yes nushi....
by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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1.)A type of tea from India.

2.)A presocome from Chobits.

3.)A noise I like ta make.
1.)Mmmmm.....Chi(the i is long)

2.)Chi is so kawaii!!!!

by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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any name-tachi. In Japan you can attach tachi to a name and it means that persones group of friends.
Duo-tachi= duo's group
by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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mediocre persone
u think of a medicore persone you know and tell me....
by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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Master, a god, a lover, an owner, you pick. It means em all. It's from Japan. You can use then durning sex too.
1: Let me guess he's your nushi....
2: Yep....
1: Oh gods!!!!....Nushi....it feels sooo goood!!!!
by Nasyki February 29, 2004
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