1 definition by Nanthman

A cute, very lovable, pretty girl that no matter what you do to her she still be your friend. She is smart( even though she doesn't like to admit it) she is found in Honors class. If she can be, she'll be lazy but majority of the time she is hard worker. A very trusting girl. Shy, but she is very approachable, and she'll listen to all the crap you to say because she is that good of an friend. Great kisser. Have the most beautiful, glittering eyes you could ever see. She loves boy bands, but you can handle it. And you doubt the day,if you ever do, that you break up with her. Don't. A girl who isn't the tallest girl around, but doesn't care. A very emotional creature (you love her for that). And when she says she loves you she means it in every way even though she can't show it. Is the best girlfriend you ever have because even though your guys don't go out you still want her for your own.
Boy 1: Hey ain't that your ex?
Boy 2: yeah, Kaelya. I regret having to break up with her.
Boy 1: Why?
Boy 2: You wouldn't understand she was my best, and my Kaelya. And I still Love her.....

Kaeyla I miss you!!!
by Nanthman December 14, 2012
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