5 definitions by Mudane potion#069

A card in clash royale often used to kite high health troops (meGAY knight, Pekka,) resulting in a massive elixir trade and the obliteration of entire pushes. Players who use it don't have a family and only live ( on the streets) to play this one game, only earning money by demonstrating their skill in front of depression-stricken hordes.
Player 1: Want to train for that clan war?

Player 2: Sure, let me upgrade my Spear Goblins first.

Player 1: I think you're prepared enough. considering that we're in the middle of a hood and being watched.
by Mudane potion#069 October 18, 2022
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Extraordinarily good/cool/awesome
That movie was Angabangadanga!
by Mudane potion#069 March 6, 2023
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An OVERDESIGNED math learning game with a stupid membership system that costs 90 something dollars and doesn't even make you better at math, just able to access the "Members only" Items.
That greedy cheater, Prodigy math game, has a p2w (or in this case pay to get) system only comparable to the Gold and now DIAMOND pass of Clash (Cash) Royale.
by Mudane potion#069 October 19, 2023
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A slang term, often used by eighth graders to describe seventh graders, who they perceive as uncultured.
"That Sebby will never become a real man. Just look at his face."
by Mudane potion#069 December 6, 2021
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1) Naturally occurring things that are deemed pornographic.
2) A mushroom uncannily shaped like a dick
"look at that ass-shaped mountain. It's like a butt"
"Look at these porncinis I've found"
by Mudane potion#069 September 13, 2022
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