13 definitions by Mr. Nice Guy

to sell drugs usually weight
I can move 2 kilos a week.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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When someone is on ecstacy you have them breath quickly to get light headed then you apply pressure to their chest while they hold their breath until the pass out, produces a short extremely euphoric effect.
I'm rollin balls dude gimme an e-hug.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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Hey man that shits good let me get another key.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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Clothing store owned by Abercrombie & Fitch. They sell clothing pertaining to the west coast and surfing. Hollister Co is named after a John Hollister, a man who traveled the ocean, eventually settling down in Southern California, around the Santa Cruz area. It is not named after the city in California.
Hollister, the person, not the place.
by Mr. Nice Guy July 14, 2006
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smash an ecstacy pill to parachute or snort it
Gimme a pill man I'm gonna bust it up and rail it.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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