12 definitions by Mr. G. G. Ginger

Comprestand, to understand and comprehend at the same time. Meant to rid the English Language of confusion between understand and comprehend.
A. "I think I understand and comprehend what your saying."
B. "You fully comprestand my statement."
by Mr. G. G. Ginger February 21, 2020
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Condiculous, something that is extremely confusing, but makes enough sense for you to comprehend that it is absolutely ridiculous.
1. "Man! This schedule is ridiculous! Plus, I can barely understand it! It's so confusing!"
2. "It's condiculous."
by Mr. G. G. Ginger March 12, 2020
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1. To do something in a questioning (or in extreme cases, interrogating) manner. Often used to refer to the manner in which Russians ask questions or say things in general.

2. Also used to refer to questionable behavior.
1. Man! The Russian Captain made his statement in a questiony manner!

2. Man! The way they stole that guys internal organs was pretty questiony...
by Mr. G. G. Ginger February 26, 2020
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Conrried, to be concerned and worried at the same time. Exists in order to clear up the difference between the two words. Also gives the ability to express concern in the context of being worried, resulting in the expression of both at the same time.
A. Man! I'm worried about him. I've been concerned about his behavior for a long time.

B. Your conrried about him.
by Mr. G. G. Ginger February 22, 2020
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Terradly, to be mildly terrified. This word exists to amend the fact that the English language has no word to express being only a little terrified. (Terrified being such a strong word.)
by Mr. G. G. Ginger February 22, 2020
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