2 definitions by Monchoochel

The correct terminology of the word "Homoerectus" is the evolutionary step right before humans, however people of the 21st century frequently use the word as an insult - along the lines of other words such as: dud, dumbass, moron, idiot, fool, pinhead, nincompoop, and other unintelligent words.
John: "Fred, you moron! You actually got a two percent on your science test?"

Fred: "I believe the correct terminology is "Homoerectus."
by Monchoochel November 28, 2016
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Sinep is practically penis spelled backwards. If you ever get into a fight with someone - but want to keep it PG, instead of saying penis just simply spell it backwards to stop small children from repeating the word for everyone to hear. Although, simple violence bumps it up to a 14A anyway, so its inevitable.
Person 1: "Oh yeah - you wanna fight, c*cksucker?"

Bystander: "Keep it PG, John! There're small children around!"

Person 1: "Fine - you wanna fight, Sinepsucker?"
by Monchoochel December 1, 2016
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