2 definitions by Monarch of Soup

A person that doesn't identify as strictly male, or female.

They often use they/them or neopronouns. Sometimes they will change their name to something else and their old name will be referred to as their dead name. Some non-binary people like to wear binders or want to medically transition or have HRT but not all of us do. Non-binary people don't owe you androgyny people!

Don't assume someone's gender or pronouns just lie you wouldn't assume a persons name!
Respect Peoples pronouns and don't be a dick
Person 1: "Hey I'm non-binary can you use ey/em and xe/xer for me?"
Person 2: "Of course! can you tell me how to use them?"
Person 1: "Sure. Ey went to the store xe got xemself a cookie and one for me, that was very thoughtful of em."
Person 2: "Ok, is there any new name you would like to use?"
Person 1: "No I'll stick with *redacted* for now 'cause I haven't found a name, but I'll tell you when I figure it out"
Person 2: "Ok thank you for being brave enough to tell me this bye"
Person 1: "Bye!"
by Monarch of Soup December 20, 2022
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An annoying non-binary person you are friends with that wears weird clothes
Where does Soup get their clothes, the thrift shop?
by Monarch of Soup December 20, 2022
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