3 definitions by Mizami

An awesome person who everyone loves and who loves everyone. The life of the party, someone who lights up the room when they enter
Oh man Stephanie is here? Sweet! What a fig, it's not a party without her!
by Mizami March 3, 2018
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A drink order that includes two traditional Chicago drinks (each oh which is sold almost exclusively in Chicago), a shot of malört and an Old Style beer.
My friends are visiting from out of town and I want them to get the real Chicago experience so I'm buying them a round of Chicago Handshakes!
by Mizami October 8, 2018
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Similar to a Chicago Handshake (the drink), a Chicago Facefuck is a shot that's half Fireball Whiskey and half malört followed by an Old Style beer.
Guy 1: Hey want a shot of Fireball? (hands Guy 2 a shot)
Guy 2: Yeah sure...Ugh! What was that?!
Guy 1: Haha, you just got Facefucked!
Guy 2: Aw dammit, a Chicago Facefuck? Someone get me an Old Style to get this malort out of my mouth!
by Mizami October 8, 2018
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