15 definitions by Mitchell Man

pitch-in pride perker is a person who "sacrifices" themselves at pitch-in dinners. At a pitch-in dinner someone always brings in something that looks or sounds terrible, they are the ones who take a slice so the person who brought it doesn't know that their food is gross.
Johnny - " What the Hell is that pile of crap over on that platter?"

Alan - " That is my grandma's "Pig intestines stuffed with gopher milk. I am taking a slice just so Granny doesn't start crying. I won't eat it, just remove it from the platter and throw it away.

Johnny- Man you are one "pitch-in pride perker", I wish I could be more like you.
by Mitchell Man November 4, 2009
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chocomaniac is when you devour everything/anything that is chocolate. The craze that happens during your chocolate frenzy.
Madeline is going bonkers with that 5 lb Hershey bar that she got for her birthday. Yes, she is definitley a chocomaniac and she is going to get herself sick.
by Mitchell Man November 9, 2009
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comedication is the act of communicating through the art of comedy.
That Andy sure can't have a normal conversation. I think he suffers from comedication. He always has to throw in a stupid joke just to answer a simple question.

Q: Andy, do you know what time it is?

A: Yeah, it's half past a monkey's ass, quarter to his balls. No, it's really 9:45 am.
by Mitchell Man September 23, 2009
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C.T.A.F. stands for Can't Trust a Fart.
When you are just getting over a case of diarrhea and you don't know if your going to fart or shit your pants.
Honey wake up!! We need to change the sheets I just shit the bed. I have had the runs all day and thought it was safe but C.T.A.F.
by Mitchell Man July 11, 2008
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Turd Touching Cotton

When someone has to poop so bad that the turd breaks thru the asshole and touches your underwear (but not quite pooping your pants)
Jared had to poop so bad he was TTC'ing. So he found the nearest field to pull a Jared poop.
by Mitchell Man May 15, 2008
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xbox zombie is the state-of-mind that you are in when your Xbox 360 is broken. You don't show any emotion, just playing Xbox 360 in your head.
Aaron: Jared are you Ok? You look like you are missing your best friend.

Jared: No man, my Xbox 360 just crashed it will be 2 months before it is returned.

Aaron:Get a life dude!! Don't act like an Xbox Zombie. There is more to life than staying up all night playing war with your buddies.
by Mitchell Man February 19, 2009
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Carni-cooties is after you leave the County Fair or State Fair the creepy feelings you have on your skin. Knowing that you touched the same thing as a carni worker or the freaks that only come outside once a year to go to the fair.
#1 - I feel like there are ticks crawling all over my skin after leaving the fair, it must be the carni -cooties.

#2 - Maddie, DON"T TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE WASHED YOU HANDS 5 TIMES!!!!! I think we got some carni-cooties on us.
by Mitchell Man August 2, 2009
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