4 definitions by Millie Mustang

When you are playing a board game and you have to reach far across the table to draw a card or move your piece, the player chops their boob into the edge of the table creating an undesirable effect.
I won my game of Candyland, in spite of a severe boob chop.

I fear that when I reach for my game piece I'm going to get a boob chop (or boob chopped).
by Millie Mustang April 29, 2019
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Women who can't breastfeed their children.
Amy's children were formula feed because she has milk duds.
by Millie Mustang April 29, 2019
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The perfect board game boobs. A player with booblets does not have to use the boob hoist technique or worry about suffering a boob chop when reaching across the table to draw a card or move their piece.
Heather constantly has to worry about a boob chop while playing Candyland, unlike Aimee who has booblets.
by Millie Mustang April 29, 2019
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When you are playing a board game and you have to reach far across the table to draw a card or move your piece, the player hoists their boobs onto the table to prevent a boob chop.
Erin uses the boob hoist technique to avoid a boob chop, while Aimee's boobs are so small she doesn't have to worry about a hoist or a chop.
by Millie Mustang April 29, 2019
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