3 definitions by Methuselah Perrywinkle

noun - A shart in edible underwear.
"Your mother eats far too much fiber. She did a pb&j right before I showed up last night. Man, those edibles tasted awful, but I got them down. Gotta be polite and eat what you're served!"
by Methuselah Perrywinkle March 20, 2010
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"If I eat some Mexican food and drink a couple beers, I have a red bruce."
by Methuselah Perrywinkle January 18, 2009
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To ejaculate messily in one's pants and not change after.
"Honey, if you keep dancing against me like that, I'ma have a wet bruce."
by Methuselah Perrywinkle January 18, 2009
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