2 definitions by MellamoCorp

An acronym coined by Corporate Bro to mean: Sales Are Dope Never Ever Stop Selling
Person A: Dude, cold calling sucks
Person B: Thats the SADNESS life, my dude
by MellamoCorp October 5, 2020
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An acronym coined by business comedian Corporate Bro (@corporate.bro) to mean Sales Are Dope Never Ever Stop Selling. Its the modern day version of ABC (always be closing).
Sales reps live the SADNESS life.

ex 1)
Person 1: "Yo I just got hung up on for the 8th time today"
Person 2: "SADNESS life, bro.

ex 2)
Person 1: "Just ran into one of my prospects at the grocery store."
Person 2: "Did you try to pitch him?"
Person 1: "Duh, bro, SADNESS."
by MellamoCorp September 25, 2020
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