1 definition by McBailey

An amazing singer who has a range of five octaves although she can hit eight,(as demonstrated in her song Emotions, among others) Writes, produces, and sings all of her songs. Bi-racial, African-American, Irish, and Venezuelan. Has a heart of gold, she does not just give to charity, she takes time out of her schedule to help needing people, and this isn't just a one time thing, she does this A LOT. Here genre is mostly catagorized as RnB, people who say it is Pop, are wrong, unless you count some of her explosive ballads. She has a strong sense of faith. Has been labeled a diva.

Also can be used instead of saying the word breakdown. Mariah Carey is a type of breakdown. A Mariah Carey Breakdown=
not sleeping and not eating because you are working so much...and with the lack of these functions one finds themselves feeling dizzy, disoriented, tired tired tired, possibly unloved, and just in need of some fun...so one will try and have fun, but will go so far out that everyone around thinks you've gone completely mad. So you separate yourself, trying to avoid the public eye, because you don't want anymore false rumors than need be...you try and get some time to yourself, and you try and watch your behavior more, but then that damn career/school pops up again and its back to work...but you are so out of whack by now that instead of doing what you are "supposed" to be doing, you recoil to a somewhat isolated place, where you, again, try and find solice, but this time, you kind of just pass out, and then you find the people around you checking you into a hospital because this is the only way you can get the rest, nutrients, and peace that you need, until finally you can recover and recuperate(?) from this extreme exhaustion and malnutrition. This can be abbreviated as MCB.
Mariah Carey has just made yet another #1 single!

I'm a complete mess and I'm on the verge of a Mariah Carey Breakdown.
by McBailey January 2, 2008
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