6 definitions by MasterPrime

The first single from Weezer's second album, "Pinkerton." It is a masterpiece of a song that expresses raw human emotion through creative lyrics and a quircky melody.
Hey, turn up "El Scorcho!"

Goddamn you half Japanese girls
by MasterPrime June 14, 2004
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Webster's Dictionary defines "excellence" as "the state or condition of being excellent."
by MasterPrime October 10, 2005
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"The Blue Album"

Weezer's first album released in 1994 featuring the singles "Undone (The Sweater Song)," "Buddy Holly," and "Say It Ain't So."
by MasterPrime January 27, 2005
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The state or condition of being satirical.
Our satire of "COPS" was pretty hillarious.
by MasterPrime June 14, 2004
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Weezer's 1996 crowning achievement that features the singles "El Scorcho" and "The Good Life." It is a true musical masterpiece that has shaped modern day emo.
by MasterPrime June 14, 2004
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