2 definitions by Marshmallow Steve

When a marshmallowis microwaved, it is filled with air and expands into a large, squishy delight. Perfect for those boring, rainy Sunday afternoons.This treatbecomes a marshowave. The process of microwaving a marshmallow is known as marshowaving it.
Person 1: I’m quite hungry
Person 2: Have a marshowave.
by Marshmallow Steve April 14, 2019
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A large, useless thing that for some reason has been allowed to become an obstacle for everyone. This can vary from a certain wig-wearing politician to a fat toddler with Cheerios on his face standing in front of the TV.
Adventurer 1:Oh no, a wert guarding the door!
Adventurer 2: Just give it some McDonalds and it might fuck off.
by Marshmallow Steve March 23, 2019
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