1 definition by Marko H.

Typically, a male has a penis, and some of these males have foreskin. If foreskin is left unwashed for long periods of time after frequent masturbation, “dick cheese” is formed.

On the other hand, 75% of women develop a yeast infection at least once throughout their lifetime. This fungal infection is usually caused by certain antibiotics, or diabetes.

Therefore, the term “Mozzarella Stick” comes into play when these two reproductive organs come in contact. When the dick cheese enters a yeast infected vagina, the term would be considered the Mozzarella Stick.

This situation would be more accurate with a white man and a black woman.
“Hey babe, my results came in from my gynecologist! Looks like we can make some Mozzarella Sticks tonight!”

“I haven’t washed my foreskin in months just to be able to have some Mozzarella Sticks with my step-sister!”
by Marko H. July 16, 2019
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