4 definitions by Markioman

The most amazing girl, who is intelligent, beautiful, kind and someone you would die for to have
Ex: You can use the word to describe a girl, "My god, you are such a Wilma, I love you"
Otherwise that´s how a person named Wilma probably will be like
by Markioman December 11, 2016
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A perfect woman, smart, funny, kind, awesome, hot, someone who know those dank memes
It defines a person with that name, and can therefor only be used while talking to someone named Ida-Christine
by Markioman December 11, 2016
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A perfect woman, smart, funny, kind, awesome, hot, someone who know those dank memes
It defines a person with that name, and can therefor only be used while talking to someone named Ida-Christine
by Markioman December 11, 2016
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