9 definitions by MariAntonia

gangster, poor, lacking education, Gangbanger, Speaking Spanglish (poor English). A bald male living in poor urban community involved in a gang. Drug dealer. In south america this term is used to describe a poor man of indigenous descent.
"Ese pinche pelon es un cholo."
"vamonos de aqui, esque ya llegaron esos cholos cabrones."
"no me gusta pasar por esa vecindad, tienen cholos."
by MariAntonia July 15, 2006
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a Famous Radio D.J. in Los Angeles. Tweety Bird in Looney Toons. Used by young hispanic children to describe the male genitilia.
child: "Mira, mami, a ese nino se le ve su piolin".
"El Chato tiene un piolon muy grande."
"A Letty le gusta chupar el Piolin"
by MariAntonia July 17, 2006
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