3 definitions by ManleyF

Derivative of Borescope and Pullovers, as completed prior to a live fire exercise, derived from a Cavalry Scout, Former Recruiter, avid Fisherman, turned Supply Sergeant, trying to assimilate to the Field Artillery.
Supply Sergeant: We got mechanics scheduled to do our B&P's.
The Sarge: What the f@ck are you talking about Tommy?!?
by ManleyF October 3, 2018
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Describing a multitude of items atop, adjacent, perpendicular, but within proximity to form a pile.
At the luncheon they had, Ham, Cheese, Roast Beef, Turkey, PILED HIGH!
by ManleyF October 2, 2018
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to be in possession of large sums of money, or monetarily gifted
How'd he get that boat? Man, you know Tommy, he's all papered up.
by ManleyF September 30, 2018
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