3 definitions by Mamma Luigi

(n.) - term used to describe a loud,inconsiderate and obnoxious Harley biker.
Mike: God those Harley bikers are so loud!
Jeff: I know dude.
Brett: Bunch of fags is what they are
by Mamma Luigi March 2, 2010
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The gods of the internet who put trolls and morons in their place, while pwning people. 4Chan anyone?
"It doesn't forgive. It doesn't forget. His group has over 9000 penises and they're all raping children." - Oprah over-reacting to Anonymous trolling on the message group.

by Mamma Luigi November 5, 2009
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The H1N1 virus aka pig flu and the center of cold jokes among you and your idiotic friends.
A: *cough*

B: swine flu!

a: v_v *slap*
by Mamma Luigi November 8, 2009
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