4 definitions by Malkov Volkov IV

1) A sarcastic term of endearment (really meaning "I love you," "I appreciate you," etc.)

2) A somewhat sarcastic phrase meaning "make out with me," "have sex with me," etc.
"You know you love me."
"Fight me, you meme-loving fuck"
by Malkov Volkov IV October 7, 2015
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To test out a new sword casually on a passerby.
Woman 1: Did you hear what happened downtown yesterday?
Woman 2: No, what happened?
Woman 1: Someone Vyjigiried the whole left side of your ex's head off!
Woman 2: ...YES!
by Malkov Volkov IV June 11, 2013
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The early hours of the morning, the time from midnight (a.k.a. 00:00 or “zero” military time) to dawn. (Used in sentences similarly to afternoon.)
Oh goodness, its already the afterzero.

Have a good afterzero!
by Malkov Volkov IV July 28, 2019
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To test out a new sword casually on a passerby.

Based off the Japanese word Tsujigiri (which means the same thing).
Woman 1: Did you hear what happened downtown yesterday?
Woman 2: No, what happened?
Woman 1: Somone Tsujied Bob's ear off!
by Malkov Volkov IV June 12, 2013
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