16 definitions by MXC LUVER

best show on tv the captain really airs the show, has funniest quotes ever guy ledouche is funny guy, frequently uses babagonoosh.
(1)"he went down and sniffed his own bagdad"

(2)"OH UR DIRTY girl, yeah i need to be hosed off, oh guy has a hose, oh u creep GUY LIKE"
by MXC LUVER December 5, 2004
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Kick ass martial artist who was in teenage mutant ninja turtles 2, and most recently in the rundown.
"so which one of you ladies wanna take a ride with me? dream on dweeb. yeah well when i do ill dream of something a little thinner!"
by MXC LUVER December 12, 2004
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Meaning to suck my dick, popuralized in the early 90's.
YO beeeeetach will you choke on my spoke!
by MXC LUVER December 18, 2004
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Pronounced GEE Ledouche a member on MXC (takeshi's castle) who tells the games and interviews fallen contestants. Dubbed with a perverted french mans voice but even without the dubbing he seems perverted. Also has perverted needs and is seems to go for any type of sex know matter who or what you are
1- "crawling in the deep dank region looking and straining for a thick black vein!"
2-bathe me NOW!

3-repeated line Guy like!

4-Vic: And coming up last is Milker Shanks, he's a bull milker.
Kenny: What kind of cheese comes from that?
Vic: I don't know, but it doesn't belong on a bagel.

5-B'jork: I have disgraced my family.
Guy LeDouche: How so?
B'jork: In my country you disgrace your family if your breasts get wet.
Guy LeDouche: Um, Guy will dry them off for you. Ahahahahaha!
by MXC LUVER December 17, 2004
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Term used by will smith in fresh prince of bel air to address Geoffrey their butler.
"Yo G!! i need some advice what do u do if the north is under control but theres an uprising in the south" (Will asking geofrey for help with problems with Lisa)
by MXC LUVER December 18, 2004
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according to MXC commentary the second network for men
"whos works for spunk tv the second network for men"
by MXC LUVER December 5, 2004
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