3 definitions by MICKEY88888

A person known to engage in the act of PigPocketing. They are not under the influence but instead know exactly what they are doing. Usually not thought of as a friend, but as that asshole in a group of people.
Man, Devon is such a PigPocketer.
by MICKEY88888 October 9, 2011
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the act of stealing a bro's PigPocket.
Dude, im totally going PigPocketing tonight.
by MICKEY88888 October 9, 2011
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a girl that a heterosexual male can basically carry around in his pocket to perform sexual favours on command. If she does a poor job you scream "SOOEYYY" at her until she leaves, and then she is no longer your PigPocket and you have to find a new PigPocket who will suck n' fuck better.
I was unsuccessful in trapping a girl into fucking me tonight, I guess ill call upon the PigPocket to do what she does best!
by MICKEY88888 October 9, 2011
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