9 definitions by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII

my friend : hey do you know joe
me: whos joe

my friend: JOE MAMA
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII December 3, 2019
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The Naruto runner that was naruto running behind a news anchor that made him blow up and he is cool
an example is : wow your really elixir i saw you naruto running
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII September 22, 2019
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That one girl in class that always says and i oop and sksksksksksksskskskskssk she is a visco girl she always carries her hydro flask and flexs on us with it and says and i oop skskkskss i have a hydro flask bish u dont have one hahahaha
Rodiana/visco girl: and i oop skskskssksksksskskssskskss
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII February 13, 2020
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An urban dictionary writer he made the worlds famous elixir word which now has over 40 likes he is very epic
MARWAN THE THICC BOIIII: I submitted the elixir word and it was in his video and i feel famous

everyone else: well ur not famous u loser
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII February 4, 2020
dat one styooobid man that everyone hates
youssef m: styobid
me: uses uno reverso
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII December 14, 2019
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kinda hearted man that gifts people alot of fortnite emotes
Me: YOOO did u see the fortnite emote ahmed gifted me
eesa: YEAH BRO IT WAS EPIC its sad he didnt gift me though
by MARWAN DA THICC BOIII December 30, 2021
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