10 definitions by MAH

The girl threw out her Korman after she was done cleaning herself with it.
by MAH April 8, 2003
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1. a loser, one who has far too much time on his hands.
2. one who thinks he is popular (esp if he is not).
3. an egomaniac, one who is obsessed with himself and his acheivements.
3a. specifically, one who is so insecure that he must brag about himself constantly.
4. one who sexually harasses girls he does not know.
5. a walking, talking smegma.
by MAH April 9, 2003
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1. a retard, a simpleton
2. one with no social skills
3. a liar or exagerrator (esp. about sexual matters)
4. one who hits on women with whom he has no chance (often bragging about sexually "conquering" them afterwards)
Man, he's such a liar...it's so obvious though, he's such a Korman.
by MAH April 7, 2003
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